The term “nouns” is not an all encompassing term for the Arabic grammar term , but a brief explanation may help understand this part of speech. The definition of "
" is:
A word that indicates a name, leading to the symbol without deriving benefit.
The term covers all objects animate and inanimate. It can be the proper name of a person, such as Muhammed, or a person in general, such as girl, boy, or can be a pronoun such as he or she. It can also be the name of kind of an animal (such as camel ), or a proper name of an animal, such as
, the name of the Messenger’s camel,
. It can be the name of a plant (date palm) or just a general plant term (tree). The term
which as stated previously is the plural of
, also covers inanimate objects such as
, or moon, and the name or characteristic of any other thing. Included in this would be the terms this and that:
Signs of 
There are indications that tell us that a word is an . These indications are not always present, but if they are present, there is no doubt that it is an
- Objects of prepositions. If there is a word preceded by a preposition, such as:
, we know that the word following the preposition (object of a preposition) is an
- A tanween at the end of a word indicates that the word is an
. An example is
- The
of calling is another sign of an
, like in
- A word with the definite article “the” (
)attached to the beginning of it is an
. An example of this is in:
Participles and Prepositions 
These small words (usually just two letters) do not have a place in Arabic grammar conjugation, but may affect )but not necessarily) the noun or verb that follows them. These words are fixed in form and always look the same. Examples of that affect
Examples of that affect
(verbs) are
Examples of that may or may not affect the noun or verb that follows:
This ends the brief introduction to grammar. Next tidbit, insha’ Allah will start the lessons on the hamzah wasl.