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Salam Alyikum:

A friend of mine told me that WARSH was the way that the prophet  , recited the Qur’an. Is this true? 
Also, I am still wondering if the second edition of the tajweed book is for sale.
thank you


Wa alaikum assalaam wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuh.

The Prophet recited the Qur’an by the way of Warsh, he recited it by the way of Hafs, he recited it by the way of Ibn Katheer, etc.  All authentic ways of recitation were revealed to the Messenger, , from Allah and recited by the Prophet to the companions.  The companions of the Prophet, , would never have recited the Qur’an in a way not transmitted from the Prophet  to them. The Qur’an was revealed in different ways, all read by the Prophet and taught to the companions from the mouth of the Prophet,  . 

The second part of Tajweed Rules of the Qur’an was printed, but must be reprinted before being sold because of errors in the printing.  It is expected to be available for purchase within a few months, insha’ Allah.