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Assalaamu alaikum

Could you please tell me in the definition for  what is the reason that it is specified that it is:" the pronunciation of a non-voweled letter, stripped of any shaddah"? 

I'm sure there must be a reason, and I can't think of what it is!  Puzzled again!

a student of tajweed.

Baraka Allahu fiikum


Wa alaikum assalaam wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuh.

The full definition of  is: the pronunciation of a non-voweled letter, stripped of any shaddah, characterized between the  and the  with a ghunnah remaining on the first letter.  The phrase "stripped of any shaddah" is a further clarification that it is not an idghaam, in which there is a shaddah after merging the first letter into the second, either a complete shaddah or partial.  The letter that is hidden in  is not merged in to the next letter (no shaddah) but at the same time it is not pronounced the same way an .  The phrase then is used to further clarify the meaning of .  You may find this part of the definition especially useful when studying the , where our lips close on the letter  and separate with the letter , and there is no shaddah or merging of the  into the

May Allah make easy for you the study of the Qur'an and bless you also.