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Assalamu Aleikum wa rahmatu lilâhi wa barakatuh

I have two questions concerning 2 of the many rules of Warsh recitation: 

1) I have noticed that when the miim letter is the last letter of a word and precedes an alif the plural of the miim is applied. Is this correct? For example in surah al Imran first line of verse 195: "Fasta djâ balahum rabbu humû annî...."

2) I have also heard reciters read the letter "raa" in Warsh differently from the letter "raa" in Hafs. How is this emphasis on the letter "raa" called?   

May Allah give you ease in your research inshallah

 Wa Salamu Aleikum  


Wa alaikum assalaam wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuh.

1.  Warsh puts a lengthened dhammah on the plural meem when it is followed by a hamzah qata’, as in: .  There is a  denoting plurality (in red) followed but a .  This   is written on an alif, but it is not a proper alif.  The rule that is applied under these conditions is called , which is lengthened in the reading of Warsh six vowel counts.

2. There are different rules for tafkheem and tarqeeq of the in the recitation of Warsh than from other recitations.  These rules can be found at the following link: and if you scroll down on that link, there is a chart summarizing all the rules of Warsh for the .

Wa alaikum assalaam wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuh.