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Kaifa haalu ramadhaanakum?

Every Ramadhan I'm saddened at the rate of recitation of Quran of some aimmah who lead the taraweeh prayer in many masajids.

They usually lead Maghrib, Fajr or Isha' at normal speed, but when it comes to taraweeh the speed increases and most of the time many ahkaam of tajweed are severely compromised. I begin to wonder, how can all the characteristics of the Arabic letters (shiddah, rakhawah, hams etc) be preserved if Al Qur'an is read so fast? and how can one distinguish the levels of ghunnah that have been mentioned in the tajweed titbit lessons if one reads/recites al Qur'an so fast?

My question is, is there  maximum speed that we can be on when reciting al-Qur'an so that all the ahkaam of tajweed is preserved? Undoubtedly, there are shuyukh out there whose speed does not increase dramatically when leading the taraweeh but they leave satisfaction in the hearts of the ma'moom as the Qur'an is being read with tarteel hence producing khushoo'.

Jazakumullahu khaira


Wa alaikum assalaam wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuh. 

Our Ramadhan insha’ Allah is going well and we pray that Allah accept our and your fasting and righteous deeds and grant that we are of the successful on the day of Eid. 

The quickened speed during taraweeh prayers is needed to cover the amount they are covering without putting a burden on the Muslims they are leading.

There are many of the aimmah (plural of imam) that can preserve the characteristics of the letters etc. while reading at a quickened speed, there are some who cannot.   As you know there is a level of reading called , which is a quick pace, but the guideline is always preserving the letters and their rules, so one should not read so fast that the letters or rules are lost.  The timings are relative so the most complete ghunnah is still longer than the others at this speed but its timing is relative to the speed of reading, and therefore much shorter in timing than one reading at the slowest speed- . 

May Allah have mercy on the leaders of the taraweeh prayers, certainly it is difficult to lead such a long prayer after fasting during the day, and not having much time to rest after maghreb. 

We pray that Allah all our prayers and that He pleased  with us and our recitation of the Qur’an. 

Wa iyyaakum wa-l-muslimeen.

Wa assalaam alaikum wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuh.