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assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullah 

Jazakallhu khayran for answering my previous questions.

In the case of a compelled or teaching stop how do we stop on the word  (Fatir verse 43 ). What about in Ahzaab verse 38?

Do we stop and convert the taa to a haa or stop on it as it is written?

wa salaam


Wa alaikum assalaam wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuh.  Wa iyyakum. 

Hafs 'an 'Aasim stops on the words as they are written, so in the word  in surah Faatir,


we would stop with the letter .  When the word, as is normally the case, ends with the female ha' () we should stop on the word with a  saakinah, as in aayah 38 and also 62 of surah Al-Ahzaab.  

There are other words in the Qur'an that normally end with the female  but are written in some places with a , among them  and .  The rule for stopping on theses words is as stated, according to the way they are written.