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Assalamu Aleikum

I have the copy of the Qur'an in both Hafs and Warsh. I would like to know whether it would also be possible to find a copy of the Qur'an written in "As Soosiyy"?

Furthermore, I would like to know in which countries is the recitation of the Qur'an in "As Soosiyy" more recited? 

May Allah help you inshallah  


Wa alaikum assalaam wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuh.
There are no present printer complexes that put out a Qur’an with the dot and vowel system matching the way of Imam As-Soosiyy.  It is not something that cannot be done, but presently, to the best of our knowledge, it is not.  The reason is most likely the answer to your question part of the question, there is no country or area that reads with the recitation of Imam As-Soosiyy. Only those that have learned the different ways of recitation learn the recitation of As-Soosiyy.  This of course was not always the case, but as Muslims get weaker in their knowledge of the Qur’an, many of the qira’aat are disappearing from use by the general Muslim population.