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Assalaamu alaikum

Can you please explain to me the terms, iqlab and ikhfa.

Jazakhallah khairan


Wa alaikum assalaam wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuh. 

The term iqlab linguistically mean to change.  In applied tajweed: The changing of noon saakinah or the tanween into a , when followed by a  with the observance of a lengthened ghunnah on the letter. is when a noon saakinah or tanween is followed by the letter ba', then the noon saakinah is changed into a meem saakinah.   

The term ikhfa' means hide in the linguistic definition.  The applied tajweed definition is: The pronunciation of a non-voweled letter stripped of any shaddah, characterized somewhere between an and an  with a ghunnah remaining on the first letter, in this case the  saakinah and the tanween.

To read more about these terms and understand how they are applied in tajweed, please click on the following links:'_of_the_noon_saakinah.htm