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Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatu Allah.

Jazakumu Allahu khair for "The Qur'an in Ramadhan" download. 

I have a question concerning right pronunciation : for example, in surah Al FatiHah the word " ":

In the case of   when it has a shadda would it be right to say that one must pronounce the first   which is saakinah with complete running of sound given to a saakina letter that has the characteristic of  "rikhawa"  while giving it the quality of "Istitaala" (i.e. the vibration that runs from the back of the tongue at the molars all the way to the tip of the tongue) and then put pressure at the articulation point once again for the second   this time with a fatHa?  There seems to be a wave going thru and back again when doing this, is this right? 

May Allah reward you!  And a blessed Ramadhan to you! 


Wa alaikum assalaam wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatkuh.

Wa iyyakum wa-l-muslimeen. 

You are correct, that the letter  has the characteristic of and the timing of  will be present in the first  of the two (since there is a shaddah, there are two of the letter ) when pronouncing this word .  The letter  also has the characteristic of , or raising of the back of the tongue up while focusing the sound up to the roof of the mouth, making the sound of tafkheem.  The letter  also has the characteristic of , which is unique to the letter .  The characteristic of  not , is the characteristic that causes a "wave" of pressure on the tongue from the back forward, this wave is a mechanical wave and happens without leaving the articulation point of the , per se.  Yes, the whole tongue has this wave, but the two parts of the articulation point of the  remain collided (one or both sides of the tongue and the upper molar area) while this happens.  We then separate the two parts of articulation with strength, for the fat-Hah, but again, we didn't leave the articulation point of the , so we just push the two articulation parts of the articulation point of the  away from each other, with strength in the separation.

Insha' Allah this is of assistance to you. May Allah reward you and make easy for you the perfection of tajweed.

Ramadhan Mubarak to you too!