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What is the best way to understand the meaning of what you read word for word?   I am an American, know the alphabets, and am just starting to read words, but still do not know what they mean.   Please  Help?


Assalaam alaikum wa rahmatu Alllah. 

May we suggest that you make yourself vocabulary flash cards, with the Arabic word on one side and the closest English translation as possible on the other.  You should start slowly, and build it up at a pace that matches your abilities.  You may start with 10 common words that are used by Allah in the Glorious Qur’an, then make sure you have learned all of them fully, then add another 10 words.  You should have someone test you on all the words learned so far each time, before adding another 10 words.  You need a good Arabic-English dictionary, there are many available for sale in some major bookstores, as well as on the Internet.  Learning Arabic grammar will help a great deal so you can decipher the root of a word, and understand how it changes in different contexts and grammatical structure. We will start you with 10 words, and insha’ Allah you will continue and soon have a large vocabulary.  May Allah grant you knowledge of Arabic and a thorough understanding of His Word as revealed in Arabic to His Messenger, .

1.            Day

2.             Lord

3.        The Mankind

4.         The Garden (usually referring to Paradise)

5.           The Fire (usually referring to Hell)

6.          Messenger

7.              Came (he)

8.          The Earth (also land)

9.              The Night

10.           The Daytime