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1. When Shaykh Mahmood Khalil AlHusariy recited mad munfasil 2 harakat, how long was his mad muttasil? And which tariq did he follow? 

2. Why is the qalqalah sughra during waqaf lissukun (eg. qadr, fajr, subh, etc) not recited adequately even by renowned reciters ?

3. Why are there so many ways of sounding imalah sughra (taqleel) and imalah kubra ?


Assalaam alaikum

1.  Ash-Sheikh Al-Husary made different recordings with two vowel counts for the medd Al-munfasil, some with the muttasil being four vowel counts and others with six vowel counts for . It seems that when he lengthened  two vowel counts in the recitation of Haf’s ‘an ‘Aasim, he read according to ways in Rawdhah Al-Mu’addil which are other than those outlined by Imam Ibn Al-Jazaree in tareeq at-Tayyibah.

2.  We find that many renowned reciters pronounce the qalqalah correctly, even when followed by a temporary sukoon.  It may be that a few make mistakes once in a while, but we should always give the shuyookh excuses.    

3. There is only one correct way of al-taqleel , which should be 75% alif and 25% ; and one correct way of al-imaalah al-kubraa, which should be 50% alif and 50% .