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Assalamu alaykum warahmatullah,
I have asked you this question but it is very harrowing for me that I didn’t see the answer of it under the dates I saw. Anyway I am trying again.
My first question was : You said that "Sudais" was a nickname given to Sheikh Abdul rahman assodais. What is the meaning of  this word.
Secondly I have been hearing since childhood that most of the huffaz that we have now had memorised Qur’an majid between ages of 7-15. Furthermore for any normal person this is the age of memorising the Holy Qur’an. After this age they say its either impossible or very hard. Is this true?
May Allah reward you for providing us an opportunity to express our problems
and questions and receive their solutions very fast.


Wa alaikum assalaam wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuh.

We apologize, but could not find this question in the old mail.  We are sorry that it wasn’t answered earlier, but it may not have made it to the inbox of our site mail, or it may have been accidentally deleted with all the spam the site gets. We generally try to answer questions within two weeks, but sometimes more time is needed to research an answer.

The word Sudais is a diminutive form of sudus, which means a sixth.

It is not at all impossible to memorize after the age of 15, and it would not be correct to say that it is very hard.  There are many who have memorized the Qur’an in the 30’s, 40’s, or even 50’s.  The youth may have some advantage in that it is quicker for them to memorize than adults, but adults understand the importance of memorizing and reviewing and the responsibility to act on the Qur’an more.  Please read the following question and answer that is related to this subject.